We rely heavily on contributions from supporters like YOU to keep our sanctuary going strong. Without these contributions we would not be able to provide our animals with the highest quality of vet care, balanced diets, and stimulating enrichment activities. We believe that one person?s generosity can truly make a difference.

Making an automatic monthly donation is one of the best ways to support our animals. These donations provide us with a dependable source of funds throughout the year and are critical to our financial stability. If you are able, please consider making a monthly donation. Be sure to click the “Make this a monthly donation” check box.

Want to know what it takes to care for our big cats and what your donation may go towards?
- $10 pays for one day of fuel for our truck
- $10/month pays for yearly vaccinations for one tiger
- $12 pays for one day of trash pickup at the sanctuary
- $12/month pays for yearly fecal tests for the tigers
- $15 pays for one day of IT service to ensure you get social media updates
- $20/month pays for Gracie’s pain medication
- $25 pays for one day of heating for the tigers and staff
- $30/month pays for Izzy’s pain medication
- $30 pays for one day of meat for one tiger
- $40/month pays for our donor software so we can track and stay connected with YOU
- $50/month pays for our alarm system surveillance
- $50/month pays for one yearly immobilization
Donation by Mail:
Crown Ridge Tiger Sanctuary
19620 Crown Ridge Road
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670
Donations in person:
Crown Ridge Tiger Sanctuary
19620 Crown Ridge Road
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670
Crown Ridge Tiger Sanctuary is funded through The Scott Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit. All proceeds and donations go directly to providing the very best care for the animals. We reserve the right to move donations to where they are most needed to best serve the sanctuary. Donations may be tax deductible, but check with your tax adviser.